Certificates of Deposit
Safe and secure. Invest today!!!
(Automatically renewable time account)
- $1,000.00 minimum balance
- Interest compounded monthly, deposited to another account, or payable by check
- No deposits can be made before maturity
- Interest penalty and bank service charge for early withdrawals
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s)
- Traditional, Roth, & Education IRA’s
- CD terms and rates
- Minimum deposit of $25.00
- FDIC Insurance
Health Savings Accounts
- Interest bearing checking account
- Minimum deposit of $25.00
- Monthly fee of $3.00
- Limited to 10 withdrawals each statement cycle
- FDIC Insurance
Money Market Deposit Account
- $2,500.00 to open this account*
- Interest compounds monthly
- Limited to 6 withdrawals a month
- Unlimited in person withdrawals
*(Fee of $12.00 per month if balance drops below $2,500.00)